The Central Election Commission made the decision on admission to participate in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Milly Tiklanish (National Revival) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and Adolat (Justice) Social Democratic Party
On September 23, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan has convened for a meeting led by the chairman of the CEC Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov.
The meeting was attended by representatives of political parties, members of mass media.
In accordance with Article 241 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and Article 5 of the Law "On the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Central Election Commission, after examining the applications and other documents of political parties submitted to participate in the presidential elections 2016, made the decision on admission to participate in the elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Milly Tiklanish (National Revival) Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businesspeople – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan and Adolat (Justice) Social Democratic Party.
The registration certificates and supporter signature sheets of due form were issued by the CEC for the authorized representatives of political parties.
The meeting participants also discussed the formation of district commissions on elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and approval of their person-by-person composition.
Members of the Commission also considered other issues related to the preparations and holding of elections.
On all discussed issues appropriate resolutions were adopted.
On the same day, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a briefing for representatives of national and foreign mass media to narrate the course of the election campaign for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The chairman of the CEC Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov noted that the activities of the Central Election Commission are carried out in strict accordance with the legislation requirements and program of the major activities on preparations and holding of the elections.
The election campaign is spinning up, and the political parties participating in the elections have been determined. Political parties have the right to collect signatures of voters in support of the candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the place of work, service, study, residence, at campaign events.
According to the amendments introduced to the Law "On elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on December 29, 2015, the number of signatures that the supporter sheets should contain and to be submitted by political parties was reduced from 5 percent to 1 percent of the total number of voters in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It amounts to 214,350 signatures.
Voters’ signatures should represent at least 8 administrative-territorial entities. At the same time, in one administrative-territorial entity, a political party may collect no more than eight percent of signatures from the total number of voters.
Journalists were informed about the formation of district election commissions on elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Among the members of district election commissions 56.6% are representatives of wider public who have practical experience in the preparations and holding of elections. 36.8% are women, 12 of them are represented in the leadership of election commissions.
It was noted that the entire election campaign is based on the principles of transparency and openness. For this purpose, bilateral agreements between the Central Election Commission and the National TV and Radio Company of Uzbekistan, information agencies UzA, Jahon (World), Uzreport, as well as the National Association of Electronic Mass Media.
The Republican Press Center has been set up to coordinate the coverage of presidential elections. The Central Election Commission has accredited about 400 foreign and national media representatives.
At the same time, the Central Election Commission has sent invitations to prominent international organizations such the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Association of World Election Bodies to participate in elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan as observers.
(Source: Republican Press Center on Covering the Elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Candidates for membership of district election commissions recommended
On 20-21 September 2016, sessions of Jokargy Kenes, provincial and Tashkent city Kegnashes (councils) of people’s deputies took place in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent to discuss candidates for the membership of district election commissions on elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the Law "On elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the Program of major main on preparations and holding of the elections, constituencies are formed for elections of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the boundaries of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city.
The list of electoral districts with an indication of the number of voters and locations of district election commissions are being published in print media.
Organization and conduct of presidential elections are provided by the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, district and precinct election commissions.
The district election commissions are formed by the Central Election Commission no later than seventy days before the elections, consisting of a chairperson, a deputy, a secretary and at least 6-8 members.
Members of the district election commissions from among eminent members of the wider public shall be approved by the Central Election Commission on recommendation of Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city Kengashes (councils) of people's deputies.
Following the discussions at the sessions of local representative bodies of government, people’s deputies adopted due decisions on the recommendation of nominees for membership of district election commissions.
Driver of Economic Growth
Domestic light industry has plans afoot to invest more than $1 billion in the upgrade and establishment of new engineering capacities in the next five years.
Uzbekistan ranks among the regional industry leaders, and has huge capacity in filling the domestic and foreign markets with high quality products. Permanent engineering and technology renovation at enterprises, advanced development of infrastructure, enhancement of export capacity, channeling of foreign investments and creation of new jobs rank among the priorities of the dynamically growing light industry.
Over the years of independence, O’zbekyengilsanoat enterprises produced industrial output for more than 31 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 26.09.2016, 1$= 3005.11 soums), consumer goods for over 13 trillion soums. Along with the production of cotton yarn and fabric, knitted fabric, garments, hosiery, raw silk yarn, readymade garments, the enterprises establish the production of medical supplies and specialized clothing.
Export is of special priority. In the first years of independence, exports of textiles, garment and knitwear amounted to less than $7 million, while in 2015 O’zbekyengilsanoat enterprises exported products for over $1 billion. The number of exporter enterprises under O’zbekyengilsanoat exceeded 260, and the range was expanded with bamboo, modal and blended yarn, jacquard fabric and riegel linen, ready sewing and knitted articles. Last year, the share of high value-added products in total exports was 32.2%, and keeps growing.
Light industry products of Uzbekistan are exported to the European Union, China, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, a total of over 50 countries. In order to diversify foreign markets and expand exports, light industry enterprises are actively involved in international specialized exhibitions and fairs.
The industry has a high capacity, as suggested by the investments channeled in it. Since 1995, the industry has drawn more than $2 billion of foreign investments. More than 200 projects have been implemented over the recent years with participation of investors from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Republic of Korea, Japan, Turkey, the USA, India and other countries. Advanced textile enterprises run the full cycle of textile production.
33 new facilities on the production of 41,400 tons of yarn and 6,600 tons of knitted fabrics, 38 million pairs of hosiery, 16 million finished articles, more than 3.3 million square meters of carpet fabrics and 400 items of sewing machines were commissioned last year alone. The total cost of projects exceeded $170 million, providing more that 2,600 new jobs.
11 new industrial enterprises totaling $90 million were commissioned on the threshold of the 25th anniversary of independence.
It is planned to implement over 60 projects in light industry worth more than $1 billion by 2020 under the light and textile industry development program for 2015-2020. Its implementation is expected to double the export capacity of the industry, and create more than 13,000 new jobs.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
the 71tH Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov at the General Debates of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Dear Mr. Chairman!
Esteemed heads of delegations!
Ladies and gentlemen!
I would like to begin my speech with the words of deep gratitude to the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization Mr. Ban Ki-moon, all heads of states and governments, who have sent their condolences to the Uzbek people on the occasion of untimely passing of the First President of Independent Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov.
Under the leadership of Islam Karimov Uzbekistan took on the path of confident independent development and was recognized as a sovereign state and full-fledged member of the United Nations.
President of Uzbekistan spoke many times from this high rostrum. It was this very place where he had enunciated a number of important international political initiatives aimed at establishing a Central Asia nuclear weapon free zone, advancing a peaceful process in Afghanistan, overcoming the consequences of ecological catastrophe of the Aral Sea and raising efficiency of international cooperation in the struggle against international terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking. All of the proposals put forward by the Leader of Uzbekistan were fully supported by the world community and today are making a tangible practical contribution to ensuring common peace, stability and sustainable development.
For over the 25 years, under the leadership of Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan turned into a modern and dynamically developing state. As Interim President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev has underscored at the recent joint session of chambers of our Parliament, during the years of Independence Uzbekistan’s economy grew almost 6 times. The real incomes per capita rose more than 9 times. For over the last 11 years the GDP growth rates are steadily remaining on the level not less than 8 percent. According to estimates, the growth rates will remain on the same level this year, as well.
As the United Nations Secretary General has acknowledged in his congratulatory message on the occasion of the 25th anniversary jubilee of Independence of our country,Uzbekistan also attained a firm progress in implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. The maternal mortality in the country has decreased 3.2 times, the child mortality – 3.4 times, the average life expectancy increased from 66 to 73.5 years and among women – up to 76 years. The aforementioned vividly testifies about the steady growth of living standards and well-being of our people.
Dear participants of the session!
I would like to briefly draw Your attention to the following, as we believe, important issues in principle.
First, Uzbekistan will preserve the continuity and consistency in its foreign policy aimed at protection and advancement of the country’s fundamental interests. The inviolability of Uzbekistan’s foreign policy course is stipulated by a firm commitment to fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter and Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as all international legal obligations which have been adhered to earlier. As the Interim President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev has stated, Uzbekistan will continue to follow the course aimed at strengthening friendship and constructive cooperation with all foreign countries on the basis of principles of mutual respect, equality and consideration of interests of one another.
Uzbekistan is a solid supporter of non-interference in internal affairs of other states and addressing the emerging contradictions and conflicts only by peaceful and political way. Our country has made a principle and unambiguous choice – not to join any military-political blocs and alliances, not to allow for stationing of foreign military bases on its territory and not to send our servicemen beyond frontiers of the country. We believe such approach to be only the right one for us.
Second, Afghanistan was and continues to remain as one of the key problems of international security and stability. The internal dynamics of the Afghan conflict is not fading, but rather is flaring up and in many aspects it is getting complicated. The prospect of resolving contradictions, which are accumulated in this country, unfortunately is not seen.
The settlement of the Afghan conflict is possible exclusively on the basis of intra-Afghan national accord and through peaceful political negotiations among major confronting parties under auspices of the United Nations and without any preliminary conditions.
It is utterly important so that the donor countries and international institutions confirm their commitments in terms of allocating assistance to Afghanistan aimed at real improvement of the social and economic situation in the country and living standards of the population, and above all, - the assistance must be channeled to the sphere of education and enlightenment.
Peace in Afghanistan will bring to all countries of the Eurasian continent the colossal and tangible benefit. The sustainable peace and stability in Afghanistan will stimulate the construction of motorways and railroads, development of regional and trans-regional commerce and laying the pipelines in all directions.
In this regard, the international community should start looking at Afghanistan not as a source of regional problems, threats and challenges, but rather a unique strategic opportunity capable to break the established status quo once and for all, shape the fundamental and solid grounds for a multilateral interaction, which will serve the goals of our common prosperity and well-being.
Third, the protection of ecology and preserving environment take on an enormous significance in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for 2016-2030 approved by the United Nations General Assembly last year, especially in the conditions of modern anomalous changes of nature.
The tragedy of the Aral Sea is a vivid example. On its ecologic-climatic, social-economic and humanitarian consequences this tragedy is a direct threat to the sustainable development of the region, health, gene pool and future of the people residing in it. The extremely unfavorable ecological state, drying up of the Aral Sea and ongoing humanitarian catastrophe around it, the lack and declining quality of potable water and the growth of dangerous diseases – this is a just short list of consequences of the Aral tragedy.
Today’s most important task is to preserve the natural biological fund of the Aral Sea region, reduce the baneful impact of the Aral crisis to environment, and most importantly, on the life activity of millions of people residing here.
Uzbekistan firmly adheres to the principle position in terms of management of water and energy resources in Central Asia. These issues must be resolved in line with universally recognized norms of international law, which guarantee the reasonable and fair distribution of water resources and ensure consideration of interests of all states in the region.
Fourth, the Republic of Uzbekistan stands up for strengthening of the entire system of the United Nations, reinforcing the role of its structures in addressing the problems of regional and international security and ensuring the sustainable development.
Uzbekistan for several times stood up for an institutional reform of the United Nations, which must provide for efficiency of the work and interaction of its basic bodies – the General Assembly and Security Council. Along with this, the General Assembly must preserve its central role as a major advisory, directive and representative body and the Security Council must be reformed stage by stage, including by way of its expansion.
Thank you for your attention.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Meeting with OIC Secretary General
On September 23, 2016, in New-York, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kamilov Abdulaziz met with the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Iyad Amin Madani.
The sides exchanged views on the outcome of the Coordination Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Member States the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the prospects of cooperation between the OIC and the UN institutions.
At the meeting, special attention was paid to the preparation for the upcoming 43rd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC in October 2016 in Tashkent.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Meeting with head of MFA of UAE
On September 23, 2016 the delegation of Uzbekistan headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov, taking part in the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in New-York.
During the conversation the sides discussed the state and prospects of bilateral relations and cooperation within the UN, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the context of the forthcoming meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC member states in Tashkent.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait
On September 23, 2016, in New-York, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulaziz Kamilov, who heads the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 71th Session of the UN General Assembly, held negotiations with the First Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al -Sabah.
The sides exchanged views on the agenda and other issues of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.
At the meeting, the foreign ministers practically discussed the state and prospects of bilateral relations.
(Source: Press Service of the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan)
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of republic of Uzbekistan
State Budget Performance Reviewed
Deputies have reviewed a report on the execution of the State Budget and the budgets of Government Trust Funds in the first half of 2016 at the plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis. The report was delivered by Deputy Minister of Finance M.Mirzayev.
The volume of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) during the period under review has increased by 7,8%, that of industrial output – by 6,7%.
The realization of active investment policy aimed at modernization and renovation of production, development of transport and communication infrastructure enabled to raise the volume of assimilated capital investments by 11,8% and the volume of construction contractual works by 17,5%.
High rates of economic growth have been achieved on account on maintenance of micro-economic balance, which reflects the positive foreign trade balance, the State Budget surplus in regard to the Gross Domestic Product in the amount of 0,1% and the low inflation level.
The problems of execution of the State program “The Year of Healthy Mother and Child” were in the center of attention. Measures are being undertaken to organize the construction of 13 thousand individual standard type housing with all necessary engineering-communication infrastructure in rural areas. The construction of more than 5,1 thousand homes have already been completed so far.
Representatives of political parties’ factions and the deputy group from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan took the floor in the course of discussion of presented information. They expressed their stances and their opinions as well as practical recommendations on the efficient and purposeful utilization of the budget.
Members of the UzLiDeP faction noted the importance of rendering further support to the development of small businesses and securing the freedom of entrepreneurial activity and reduction of government’s involvement in the economy. Thus, 305 government assets were sold to private owners on condition of acceptance of investment commitment to the amount of 267,5 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 26.09.2016, 1$= 3005.11 soums). The small business entities were allocated loans worth 8,3 trillion soums, which is 1,3 times more compared with the same period of the previous year. Recommendations were voiced on the attraction of direct foreign investments, raising the volumes of realization of raw materials at open exchange auctions and fairs for accelerated development of private ownerwship, small business and private entrepreneurship.
Deputies of the “Milliy tiklanish” Democratic Party noted the high results of measures undertaken in the field of supporting exporter-enterprises, diversification of exports and development of new markets for the realization of domestic output. For example, 600 enterprises, which had never been involved in export operation, were drawn in into the export activities. Attention was drawn to the observation of tax legislation by economic entities on the ground, their utilization of provided privileges and preferences, and consolidation of local budgets’ revenue part.
Members of the NDPU faction focused their attention on the problems of further improvement of the targeted social protection of the population, as well as execution of the Program of creation workplaces and securing the employment of the population. It was noted that 462,5 thousand new jobs were created in the first half of 2016, among them about 60% - in rural areas.
Parliamentarians from the “Adolat” SDPU underlined that more than 4,4 trillion soums and $111 million were channeled for the execution of the State program “The Year of Healthy Mother and Child”. They also noted that 82,7 billion soums were allocated for the development of science, and this plays an important role in raising further the scientific-technical potential of the country. Proposals were expressed on the optimization of financing the priority directions in the government scientific-technical programs, branch fundamental and practical research work, as well as innovative developments.
Members of the deputy group from the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan proposed to raise the efficiency of nature protection measures, thus assuring the targeted utilization of budget resources having at the same time noted that the issues of protection of the environment, rational utilization and solution of ecological problems remain the priority directions in the government policy.Â
With consideration of expressed opinions and proposals the parliamentarians approved the report of the Cabinet of Ministers on the execution of the State budget and the budgets of the State Trust Funds for the first half of the year 2016.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Interim President signs law “On protection and use of flora”
Interim President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyayev signed the law “On protection and use of flora” in the new edition on 21 September.
Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan passed the law on 5 August 2016 and Senate approved it on 24 August 2016. It came into force on 22 September.
The law is aimed at further improving the legal framework for the protection of flora, improving the efficiency of its rational use, preservation of the integrity of the environment and the growth of wild plants.
The document sets powers of the bodies on protection and rational use of fauna, regulation of the import and export of flora objects, the requirements on the protection and use of rare and threatened species of wild-growing plants, carrying out quarantine measures.
The document defines the legal framework for monitoring and control in the sphere of protection and rational use of flora.
the 8th Tashkent International Biennale
Biennale in Capital Halls
The best exhibition halls of the capital are preparing for the 8th Tashkent International Biennale, which is expected to involve about 100 contemporary artists from a dozen countries.
The program consists of four working days from 3 to 7 October, but the exposition is available until 23 October.
The main project of the Biennale will be located in the Central Exhibition Hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. The Hall will put on display the most technologically advanced forms of contemporary art - installation, video art, performance.
The Kamoliddin Behzod Museum of Arts will host no less interesting exposition - miniatures made with the use of technologies of modern art.
The Gallery of Fine Arts will display the textiles. Today, it is still getting the image means. By the way, Uzbek artists take an active part in the development of this movement.
Biennale also will be displaced in the exhibitions halls of the Tashkent House of Photography and the Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture. By the way, starting from this year the Biennale of Photography and the Biennial of Contemporary Art will be held jointly. These halls will feature photographs and installations.
Major projects of contemporary art illustrate that it becomes too closely for artists to work within the walls of the exhibition halls, so more of them start choosing active and abandoned facilities, architectural and archaeological sites, while the others the most unexpected places, which can give their work more expressiveness. It will be at the 8th Tashkent International Biennale as well. Therefore, in the days of the Biennale the organizers recommend to come to the archaeological site of Ming Urik. It has frequently been the venue for a demonstration of masterpieces of modern art. The upcoming Biennale also has several projects the demonstration of which is impossible without the historical context.
Special international youth project is getting prepared as well. The House of Youth Creativity puts on display the works of Uzbek young artists and their foreign peers.
The 8th Tashkent International Biennale promises to be one of the most diverse and interesting in the series of similar events held in the capital. It remains to wait…
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Paralympians -2016
Rio Paralympics: Outstanding Performance
Thirty-one medals won by the 32 athletes, six world records, seven Paralympic and 12 Asian records make up the list of achievements secured by Uzbekistan at the Summer Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.
On September 21, the participants of the Rio Paralympics were given a warm welcome at Tashkent International Ceremony. The crowd at the airport included members of governmental and public organizations, athletes, the parents and family members of Paralympians and journalists.
Uzbek Paralympians had prepared thoroughly for these competitions. In accordance with the resolution of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov “On the preparation of athletes of Uzbekistan to the Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)” of February 25, 2013, all conditions have been created for our Paralympians to train in camps in accordance with modern standards, improve their skills, adequately perform at prestigious tournaments, which give the right to participate in the Paralympics.
... The long-awaited moment arrived as our athletes descended airplane stairs to the sounds of - karnay and sunray national instruments. People are jubilant.
At the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister А. Ikramov, people’s artist M. Azizov, and R. Kuchkorova noted that the outstanding success of our Paralympians have made the people of Uzbekistan greatly proud, adding that we have once again proven to the world that our athletes have enormous potential and can achieve great success in sports and other areas.
Sh. Namozov, H. Olimova and M. Tursunhojayeva, who spoke on behalf of all the athletes, expressed gratitude to our people and government for the trust and great care of the youth.
Winners, prize winners, participants of Paralympic Games and their family members and relatives boarded double-decked buses and made their way to the city. On the way to the Paralympic Association of Uzbekistan thousands of fellow citizens greeted and cheered the winners.
The significance of the victory and results achieved are better understood when compared. At the Paralympic Games in London, for example, ten athletes from Uzbekistan participated, and only one silver medal was won. This year, the athletes brought home eight gold medals.
The Uzbek athletes participated in five sports: athletics, swimming, judo, shooting and weightlifting.
Notably, for our national team the Paralympic Games started out – and concluded with a gold medal. Javelin thrower Nozimahon Kayumova showed a result of 44.58 meters, set a world record and bagged coveted gold.
Only two days of the eleven-day event, our athletes did not win medals.
Speaking of the eight day of the Paralympics, the first day that gave Uzbeks no medals, the sports commentators of Uzbekistan Today website wrote: “This is the first day that our athletes have won no medals after winning awards daily since the start of the games. This is, however, not surprising because our only female athlete was participating that day; athlete Dilafruzkhon Ahmatkhanova landed in sixth place in shot-put among women.”
The journalists in that story pinned high hopes on the athletes – to no avail: “Perhaps Uzbek athletes will add more medals to the national cachet. Of the six of our athletes, who will strut their stuff today, special hopes are on our swimmers, among them Fatima Amilova and Dmitry Horlin. Amilova, for example, has not just a full cachet of medals for various distances, but has also set several world records. However, the expectations were in vain. The pressure from previous days that did not bring medals seems to have told on their performances.”
Winning eight gold, six silver and 17 bronze medals, the Uzbek Paralympic athletes landed in 15th position in the team rankings (12th place in the number of medals), first place among Central Asian countries, second place in the CIS (after Ukraine) and second place in Asia (after the largest team – China – with 326 athletes).
While Uzbek boxers hit the national headlines at the Olympics, our judoka hit it big at the Paralympics. With three gold, one silver and six bronze medals, they earned first place in the team rankings in this sport.
P.S. The Rio Olympics went down in the chronicles of Uzbek sports as the most generous with medals. In the unofficial medal standings out Olympic team ranks 21st, while the Paralympic team fifteenth. The Olympic boxing team and the Paralympic judo team have been recognized as the best in the world.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)