Uzbekistan adopts law on social services for population
The Russian importer company Port, a member of the Holiday group of companies, has signed a contract for importing fruit and vegetable products from Uzbekistan
The first batch of fruits and vegetables for $1 million will be shipped by the end of December to decorate the festive tables of the Russian on the New Year eve. In 2017, the Russian supplier intends to import 150 tons of fruits and vegetables per week from Uzbekistan.
Holiday is the largest food retailer in Siberia. Its branches are located in seven regions of the Siberian Federal District, running 484 stores in a variety of formats ranging from hypermarket, supermarket and superstores to convenience stores and discounters. The network stores are daily visited by more than 700,000 purchasers. The company incorporates the largest fruit and vegetable distribution center to the east of the Urals.
There is good news for exporters: Uzagroeksport company has established a new Uzbek-Russian trade house in Moscow ‘Marka Food Uzagro’ jointly with the Russian wholesale food company Marka Food.
The trade house will represent the interests of producers of fruits and vegetables of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation. It is a unique chance for the customers to purchase quality products directly, without intermediaries, timely receive goods on the territory of Russia, as well as get a full turnkey package of logistics and customs support.
The Russian partner Marka Food is a wholesale food company, which is mainly engaged in direct food supplies from producers. It ranks among the leading suppliers of food products in Moscow and Moscow province.
Previously, Uzbekistan and Russia claimed the creation of a ‘green corridor’ to scale up fruit and vegetable supplies to the Russian market. It provides for a simplified procedure of customs and phytosanitary control of the fruits and vegetables imported to Russia from Uzbekistan. In the current year, Uzbekistan has significantly increased the scope of exports of agricultural products to the Russian market, increasing the turnover by 2.3 times. Fresh, chilled and processed products draw equally great interest. In 10 months of 2016, Uzbekistan exported almost 700,000 tons of agricultural products, aiming to bring the index to 1 million tons by the end of the year.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Uzbekistan adopts law on social services for population
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev on December 26 signed the Law "On social services for the elderly, disabled and other socially vulnerable categories of the population".
The document was adopted by the Legislative chamber on October 6 and endorsed by Senate on October 12, 2016.
The bill was introduced in the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the implementation of the State program "Year of attention and care for the older generation", initiated by the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. A. Karimov.
The law was adopted in order to further improve the legal framework for the provision of social services to the needy categories of the population, determining the general requirements and the main areas of their provision, increasing the role and responsibility of government, non-government organizations and business entities in this field. It is provided to carry out measures aimed at strengthening the monitoring and public control over the execution of the legislation requirements in the provision of social services.
The law is a comprehensive document enshrining guarantees of improving the quality, level and efficiency of social services' delivery, protecting the interests of those in need.
The legal act has clearly defined the main directions of state policy in the field of raising the f efficiency of social services, has designated the category of the population in need of social services, criteria and procedure for their detection.
Considering law enforcement practice and current legislation, the law clearly defines the objectives, functions, rights and obligations of the competent authorities and organizations, including institutions of civil society, business entities providing social protection for vulnerable segments of the population, providing them with services.
The law will come into force after six months from the day of its official publication.